「在表演中最重要的關鍵之一就是好奇心。我對事情的好奇心甚至可以說是八卦。這意味著你想要深入了解生活。你渴望穿上他們的鞋子,穿上他們的衣服,讓他們成為你的一部分。每個人都包含著神秘,而在表演時,你希望深入挖掘那個神秘,直到一切都對你來說是已知的……我對人們充滿好奇心,這就是我表演的本質。我對成為你會是什麼樣子感到興趣。」 – 梅莉·史翠普 (Meryl Streep)
Yalia Windy 01/02/2025 at 18:10 Reply What does Meryl Streep say about being curious about people and how it relates to performance? regard Anchor Text
Martijn Hullegie 03/02/2025 at 04:34 Reply Being curious to people means you put your attention to others, you leave yourself alone and you will be aware of all behaviour someone is giving you. Thats a very good starting point for any performance because from that you can respond truthfully.
What does Meryl Streep say about being curious about people and how it relates to performance? regard Anchor Text
Being curious to people means you put your attention to others, you leave yourself alone and you will be aware of all behaviour someone is giving you. Thats a very good starting point for any performance because from that you can respond truthfully.