April 13, 2024


Action Over Emotion “If acting were crying, my Aunt Rivka would have been a huge star,” says acting coach Robert Lewis, highlighting the common misconception that acting is primarily about being emotional. Contrary to what the general public believes, acting is not about being emotional. The bedrock of acting lies not in the emotion but...
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Stanislavski, the pioneer of modern acting teaching, left an indelible mark on the world of theater. But did you know that it was Richard Boleslavski who introduced Stanislavski’s teachings to the world outside Russia? Richard Boleslavski: A Key Propagator of Stanislavski’s Teaching Richard Boleslavski (1889 – 1937) played a pivotal role in disseminating Stanislavski’s teachings....
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The world of theater has seen many legends, but none as influential as Konstantin Stanislavski. Behind the name that became synonymous with the craft lies a tale of dedication, resilience, and the pursuit of artistic identity. Konstantin Stanislavski hailed from one of the wealthiest families of Tsarist Russia. They owned factories, and his father, as...
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行動勝過情感 「如果演戲就是哭泣,那我的姑媽Rivka早就成為巨星了」,演技教練羅伯特.路易斯說,這突顯了一個普遍的錯誤觀念,那就是演戲主要是關於情感的表達。與大眾所認為的相反,演戲不是關於情感的。演戲的基礎不在於情感,而在於行動。 桑福德.邁斯納強調這一點,他說:「演戲是建立在行動的真實性上。」簡單的行為,如聆聽、觀察、在劇本的虛構情境中真誠地回應,這些是演員需要專注的任務。 在大多數演技訓練中,演員在第一課就被分發了來自世界文學的一個場景。桑福德.邁斯納在受過古典鋼琴培訓後,對這種方法提出了質疑。作為一個鋼琴的初學者,沒有人會從莫扎特的第27號鋼琴協奏曲開始。 相反,鋼琴初學者會從音階開始,一遍又一遍地練習相同的簡單,甚至可能是乏味的旋律。 這種練習教導正確的姿勢和手指設置,最終將為任何大師奠定基礎。 邁斯納訓練:讓每次行動都像第一次 同樣地,邁斯納的演技訓練從讓演員參與真實行動的練習開始:這些簡單的任務要求演員全神貫注並精準執行,因為需要達到完美的標準。隨著時間的推移,這些任務變得更加精緻,而想像中的情境,雖然簡單但意義深遠。然而,它們始終需要扎根於行動之中,使演員能夠真誠且自然地回應。 實際的身體活動和對練習夥伴的真正關注,這是保持演員腳踏實地的關鍵。他們永遠不會失去控制或被情感淹沒,因為需要持續行動。而且,就像在正常生活中,情感可能會出乎意料地出現。它們會是完全自發和意想不到的。這種方法確保表演保持真實和連接。當你作為演員接受第二年訓練時,這是你做角色工作時所需要的。你的表演每次都會是新鮮和可信的,即使你在這之前表演了99次、或已經是電影現場中第15顆鏡頭了:對演員來說,行動每一次都是新的,就像第一次一樣。 而問題是:演員在表演中的行為是源自何處?
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