

1. 真正的互動基於觀察和反應,對於創建表演中的真實連接至關重要。
2. 拋開預設期望可以帶來意外的驚喜和豐富的經歷。
3. 在表演領域,傳統的成功與失敗觀念無關緊要;每一次的經驗都對個人的成長有貢獻。


1. “表演中的真實性來自於仔細觀察並感受對方當下的狀態和情緒。”
2. “有時候,放下預期會帶來意想不到的驚喜。”
3. “在表演中,沒有成功或失敗的標準,每一次經驗都是珍貴的。”


Alumni Albert, Yi Chiao and Billy share their experience after finishing the first year Meisner training. Previously concerned with appearance, they now focus on the authenticity of the moment, observing and reacting to the other person’s actions and emotions. This shift has led to unexpected surprises in their performances. They emphasize that there are no definitive measures of success or failure in acting, as every experience is valuable and needs to be welcomed.

Every experience contributes to one’s growth.

1. Genuine interaction based on observation and reaction is crucial for creating a real connection in performance.
2. Letting go of preconceived expectations can lead to surprising and enriching experiences.
3. In the realm of acting, traditional notions of success and failure are irrelevant; every experience contributes to one’s growth.


1. “True authenticity in acting comes from carefully observing and receiving the current state and emotions of the other person.”
2. “Sometimes, letting go of expectations brings unexpected surprises.”
3. “In acting, there’s no standard for success or failure, every experience is a precious one.”